Dorian Guide wallpaper Hero Wars

Dorian Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Attributes Details
Position Backline
Role Support, Healer
Main Statistic Intelligence
Faction Chaos
How to Obtain Events, Heroic Chest, City Shop
Tier List 2024 Rank
Hero Tier List A+
Hydra Tier List S

Maximizing Healing with Dorian in Hero Wars: Strategies and Tips

Dorian, the esteemed healer of Hero Wars, is a character known for his ability to keep his team alive in the toughest moments. As a Mage with a set of support abilities, he stands out as one of the best healers in the game. In this article, we'll explore advanced strategies on how to make the most of Dorian's healing potential and effectively integrate him into your team.

Synergy with Strong Heroes

One of Dorian's standout features is his synergy with a variety of strong heroes. Characters like Daredevil, Orion, Helios, Peppy, Ginger, and even Keira and Fafnir can form powerful combos with Dorian. When assembling your team, consider how Dorian's healing powers can complement the attack and defense abilities of these heroes, providing essential balance for success in battles.

The Importance of the Violet Skill

Dorian's strength lies in his violet skill, which is crucial to maximizing his effectiveness as a healer. When activating his violet skill, an aura is created around Dorian's feet, providing vampirism to nearby allied heroes. This allows allies to heal themselves whenever they attack enemies, significantly increasing their durability and resilience during battles.

It's crucial to observe Dorian's position on the battlefield and ensure that allies remain within the aura to maximize the benefits of vampirism. Strategically positioning Dorian at the center of the team formation can ensure that all members receive the healing effects, thereby increasing the overall effectiveness of the group.

Investing in Dorian

While Dorian is widely recognized for his effectiveness as a healer, he is rarely found in elite teams due to his relative ease of strengthening compared to other heroes. However, underestimating Dorian's value can be a fatal mistake. Even if players choose to prioritize investment in other heroes, having a strong Dorian ready to be used in attacks can be extremely advantageous in critical moments.

Investing in Dorian can ensure an additional layer of security and sustenance to your team, especially in prolonged battles or against powerful opponents. His constant healing ability can make the difference between victory and defeat, making him a valuable asset to any team.

Much more than just a healer

Dorian is much more than just a healer in Hero Wars. His presence on the team can be the crucial element that defines success in tough battles. By maximizing his healing abilities and strategically integrating him with other heroes, players can ensure a significant advantage over their opponents.

Therefore, when planning your team and investing in heroes, do not underestimate the vital role that Dorian can play. With his ability to keep the team alive and healthy, he stands out as one of the fundamental pillars of any effective battle strategy in Hero Wars.

Dorian's Talisman

With the talisman, Dorian will receive more points for magical attack and magical defense, and a lot of magical penetration in the Reroll, in terms of damage and improving support skills for the team. Little will change with Dorian's talisman, as his abilities depend more on percentages and not on increasing stats.

Blood Talisman Attributes
Slot Statistics Maximum Points
0 Intelligence +2000
1 Magic Penetration +000
2 Magic Penetration +000
3 Magic Penetration +000

Positive and Negative Points

Dorian Positive Points

  • Heals with Damage dealing to marked enemies
  • 105% vampirism for nearby allies
  • Vampirism works even after Dorian's death

Dorian Negative Points

  • Low resistance
  • Vampirism only works for allies who were under the aura

Evolving Priorities for Dorian in Hero Wars


When evolving Dorian's glyphs, it's important to prioritize the following properties:


The priority order for Dorian's artifacts is as follows:

  1. Book: Increases the effectiveness of Dorian's magic abilities, improving his healing and support capabilities.
  2. Ring: Offers additional benefits such as resistance or extra damage, which can complement Dorian's abilities.
  3. Weapon (Physical Attack): Although Dorian is a healer, a weapon that increases physical attack can help him deal additional damage in close combat.


When it comes to skins for Dorian, the following priorities should be considered:

Dorian with winter look, Hero Wars Mobile.
Dorian with winter skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Dorian vs Hydra: A Strategic Overview

Dorian proves to be an exceptional hero when facing the formidable Hydras, offering invaluable healing support with his vampirism ability. It's a common sight to see Dorian included in Hydra teams, as his aura healing with vampirism continues to function even after his demise.

Dorian Team Suggestions for Hydras

Hydra Type Team Composition Average Damage (in Millions)
Water Hydra Fafnir, Dorian, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad 40M
Dark Hydra Fafnir, Dorian, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad 64M
Fire Hydra Fafnir, Dorian, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad 100M
Hydra of Light Martha, Lilith, Dorian, Faceless, Xe'sha, 100M
Wind Hydra Dorian, Fox, DarkStar, Daredevil Andvari 34M
Earth Hydra Dorian, Fox, Daredevil, Elmir, K'arkh 27M

Dorian in Battles

Strong Against

  • Dante, Q.Mao, Lars


  • Celeste, Cornelius, Phobos, Iris, Cleaver, Jhu, Luther

Dorian Best Teams

# Heroes
1 Aidan, Dorian, Xe`sha, Jorgen, Astaroth
2 Fafnir, Dorian, Keira, Andvari, Astaroth
3 Lilith, Dorian, Xe'Sha, Jorgen, Cleaver
4 Lilith, Peppy, Dorian, Xe'Sha, Cleaver
5 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Jorgen, Astaroth
6 Dorian, Lars, Jorgen, Krista, Astaroth
7 Dorian, Lars, Nebula, Krista, Astaroth
8 Lilith, Dorian, Xe'Sha, Jorgen, Astaroth
9 Dorian, Estrela Sobria, Daredevil, Elmir, Astaroth
10 Helios, Dorian, Orion, Morrigan, Corvus

Dorian Guide Conclusion in Hero Wars

The guide on Dorian provides an in-depth understanding of the abilities and essential strategies to maximize this hero's potential in Hero Wars. With his unique healing ability and effective synergy with other heroes, Dorian stands out as a vital component for successful teams.

By exploring strategies for using Dorian, from selecting the best teams to prioritizing glyphs, artifacts, and skins, players can enhance their battle skills and gain a significant edge over their opponents.

In summary, Dorian is not just a common healer, but a key element in ensuring team survival and victory. By mastering his skills and strategically integrating him into your team, players can achieve new levels of success in Hero Wars.

Video suggestion

Dorian Best Teams Building

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